Title: | Parametric Bootstrap for ANOVA Models |
Description: | Parametric bootstrap (PB) has been used for three-way ANOVA model with unequal group variances. |
Authors: | Sarah Alver [aut, cre], Guoyi Zhang [aut] |
Maintainer: | Sarah Alver <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 04:00:33 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/pbANOVA |
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution for the main effect of one-way ANOVA
alg.A1(ns, ybars, s2, a,L)
alg.A1(ns, ybars, s2, a,L)
ns |
sample size for each group |
ybars |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
a |
level of the factor |
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
the simulated p-value
#see Q.Amc_oneway
#see Q.Amc_oneway
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution and find a p-value for the test
alg.ABC(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
alg.ABC(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
ns |
sample size for each group |
ybars |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
a |
Number of levels for factor A |
b |
Number of levels for factor B |
c |
Number of levels for factor C |
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
Q: p_value for the three factor interaction test
#See Q.ABmc
#See Q.ABmc
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution and find a p-value for the test.
alg.BC(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
alg.BC(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
ns |
sample size for each group |
ybars |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
a |
Number of levels for factor A |
b |
Number of levels for factor B |
c |
Number of levels for factor C |
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
Q: p_value for the two factor interaction test
#See Q.ABmc # note that the ns, ybars and s2 vectors need to be in the order reflecting subscripts # 111, 112, 113...., 121, 122, 123, ... , ... abc. The summarySE function from the package # Rmisc is handy for doing this. The order the user specifies the "groupvars" argument will # put the factors in order A, B, C. This order will matter when testing different two-way # interaction terms and different main effects. See comments in the potato example.
#See Q.ABmc # note that the ns, ybars and s2 vectors need to be in the order reflecting subscripts # 111, 112, 113...., 121, 122, 123, ... , ... abc. The summarySE function from the package # Rmisc is handy for doing this. The order the user specifies the "groupvars" argument will # put the factors in order A, B, C. This order will matter when testing different two-way # interaction terms and different main effects. See comments in the potato example.
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution and find a p-value for the test
alg.C(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
alg.C(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
ns |
sample size for each group |
ybars |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
a |
Number of levels for factor A |
b |
Number of levels for factor B |
c |
Number of levels for factor C |
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
a simulated p-value for testing a main effect
#See Q.Amc
#See Q.Amc
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution and find a p-value for the test
alg.C.AB(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
alg.C.AB(ns, ybars, s2, a, b, c, L)
ns |
sample size for each group |
ybars |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
a |
Number of levels for factor A |
b |
Number of levels for factor B |
c |
Number of levels for factor C |
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
Q: p_value for the test for factor C main effect when only AB interaction is present.
#See Q.ABmc
#See Q.ABmc
Water uptake in barley for 2 genotypes, 2 sites, 2 years for various periods of steeping time. 2 reps per treatment combination.
This data frame contains the following columns:
1 = Troubadour, 2 = mutant from Troubadour
1 = Bell-lloc, Spain, 2 = Dundee, Scotland
91 = 1991, 92 = 1992
Steeping Time (Hours)
Weight of sample (grams)
J.L. Molina-Cano, T. Ramo, et al. (1995). "Effect of Grain Composition Water Uptake by Malting Barley: A Genetic and Environmental Study," Journal of the Institute of Brewing, Vol. 101, #2, pp. 79-83.
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution for the multiple comparisons of treatment groups against a control
dunnett.PB(L, ns, means, s2, alpha)
dunnett.PB(L, ns, means, s2, alpha)
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
ns |
sample size for each group |
means |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
alpha |
significant level |
D.crit: The (1 - alpha) percentile of the simulated distribution
result: The differences, confidence intervals for the difference, and p-values for comparisons of each factor level vs. the control.
#This one gets a different result between the PB method and the traditional Dunnett's test. #Constant variance assumption appears violated on residual plots. #The breusch pagan test shows close to violating (p=0.0596) while levene's test (using #median) #does not show a violation. Data is mildly unbalanced. #Traditional Dunnett's test says group 4-6 are different from "control", while the PB method # only identifies group 5 and 6. #Group 4 has a larger variance than the others. The pooled variance/MSE could be too small for #this group and lead to arificially large test statistic. #MSE is 0.0004274 and the sample variance of group 4 is 0.00169. #The authors of the paper do not claim significance, they report the means and state #that there is a delineation between 30 and 40 feet. This seems true when looking at the #means, but the measurements at 40 feet do have a larger variance than those at other depths. #Practical interpretation: #If your goal was to get the most iron rich water from as shallow depth as possible, #knowing that the surface (control?) was not rich enough, and you decided to go 40 feet # deep, you may still get water that didn't have enough iron content for your purpose. #Suppose you wanted at least 0.1 content; based on the means you might use 40 feet, but # from their data, the measurements were: #0.098, 0.074, 0.154 #So 2/3 of these samples wouldn't contain enough iron for your purpose. library(DescTools) ##Dunnett's test library(lmtest) #BP test for constant variance library(dplyr) #data manipulation library(MASS) fedata$depth <- factor(fedata$depth) femod <- lm(Y~depth, data=fedata) plot(femod$fit, rstandard(femod), main="Fitted-Residual Plot, One-Way ANOVA Model", sub="Iron Data") #appears to violate equal variance assumption bptest(femod) #close to violation #what about normality? qqnorm(rstandard(femod), main="Normal QQ-Plot, Standardized Residuals", sub="One-Way ANOVA Model, Iron Data") shapiro.test(rstandard(femod)) #does not violate fe.sums <-fedata %>% group_by(depth) %>% summarise(means=mean(Y), vars = var(Y), sd=sd(Y), ns=length(depth)) fe.sums #summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth") from Rmisc pkg does same thing as fe.sums above pbd.fe <- dunnett.PB(L=5000, ns=fe.sums$ns, means=fe.sums$means, s2=fe.sums$vars, alpha=0.05) pbd.fe$result pbd.fe$D.crit ##grp 5 and 6 sig diff from group 1 DunnettTest(Y~depth, data=fedata) ##Dunnett's test also says group 4 is different. ##group 4 has a larger variance than the others. ##pooled variance/MSE could be too small for this group ##and lead to arificially large test statistic. anova(femod) #MSE is 0.0004274 #sample variance of group 4 is 0.00169 #Use traditional Dunnett's test on transformed data for comparisons #attempt log transformation fedata$logY <-log(fedata$Y) felogmod <- lm(logY~depth, data=fedata) bptest(felogmod) #still violates #LeveneTest(logY~depth, data=fedata) plot(felogmod$fit, rstandard(felogmod)) shapiro.test(rstandard(felogmod)) #still for normality #square root transformation? fedata$srY <- sqrt(fedata$Y) fesrmod <- lm(srY~depth, data=fedata) bptest(fesrmod) #still violates, worse plot(fesrmod$fit, rstandard(fesrmod)) boxcox(femod) #lambda=-0.2 fedata$bcY <- with(fedata, (Y^(-0.2) - 1)/-0.2) febcmod <- lm(bcY~depth, data=fedata) #gives same F-statistic as lm(Y^(-0.2) ~ depth, data=fedata), bptest(febcmod) #still violates plot(febcmod$fit, rstandard(febcmod)) ##mg/L is a proportion, try arcsin fedata$asY <- asin(sqrt(fedata$Y)) feasmod <-lm(asY~depth, data=fedata) bptest(feasmod) #still close to violating plot(felogmod$fit, rstandard(felogmod), main="Log Transform.", xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Standardized Residuals") plot(febcmod$fit, rstandard(febcmod), main="Box-Cox Transform.", xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Standardized Residuals") plot(feasmod$fit, rstandard(feasmod), main="Arcsin(Sq. Root) Transform.", xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Standardized Residuals") #P-values of BP test are similar for log and box-cox, plots look a little better ##log transform may be considered simpler, so try that anova(felogmod) DunnettTest(logY~depth, data=fedata) #still identifies 40 feet and above DunnettTest(bcY~depth, data=fedata) #still identifies 40 feet and above shapiro.test(rstandard(febcmod)) # normality still ok #W = 0.95535, p-value = 0.4556
#This one gets a different result between the PB method and the traditional Dunnett's test. #Constant variance assumption appears violated on residual plots. #The breusch pagan test shows close to violating (p=0.0596) while levene's test (using #median) #does not show a violation. Data is mildly unbalanced. #Traditional Dunnett's test says group 4-6 are different from "control", while the PB method # only identifies group 5 and 6. #Group 4 has a larger variance than the others. The pooled variance/MSE could be too small for #this group and lead to arificially large test statistic. #MSE is 0.0004274 and the sample variance of group 4 is 0.00169. #The authors of the paper do not claim significance, they report the means and state #that there is a delineation between 30 and 40 feet. This seems true when looking at the #means, but the measurements at 40 feet do have a larger variance than those at other depths. #Practical interpretation: #If your goal was to get the most iron rich water from as shallow depth as possible, #knowing that the surface (control?) was not rich enough, and you decided to go 40 feet # deep, you may still get water that didn't have enough iron content for your purpose. #Suppose you wanted at least 0.1 content; based on the means you might use 40 feet, but # from their data, the measurements were: #0.098, 0.074, 0.154 #So 2/3 of these samples wouldn't contain enough iron for your purpose. library(DescTools) ##Dunnett's test library(lmtest) #BP test for constant variance library(dplyr) #data manipulation library(MASS) fedata$depth <- factor(fedata$depth) femod <- lm(Y~depth, data=fedata) plot(femod$fit, rstandard(femod), main="Fitted-Residual Plot, One-Way ANOVA Model", sub="Iron Data") #appears to violate equal variance assumption bptest(femod) #close to violation #what about normality? qqnorm(rstandard(femod), main="Normal QQ-Plot, Standardized Residuals", sub="One-Way ANOVA Model, Iron Data") shapiro.test(rstandard(femod)) #does not violate fe.sums <-fedata %>% group_by(depth) %>% summarise(means=mean(Y), vars = var(Y), sd=sd(Y), ns=length(depth)) fe.sums #summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth") from Rmisc pkg does same thing as fe.sums above pbd.fe <- dunnett.PB(L=5000, ns=fe.sums$ns, means=fe.sums$means, s2=fe.sums$vars, alpha=0.05) pbd.fe$result pbd.fe$D.crit ##grp 5 and 6 sig diff from group 1 DunnettTest(Y~depth, data=fedata) ##Dunnett's test also says group 4 is different. ##group 4 has a larger variance than the others. ##pooled variance/MSE could be too small for this group ##and lead to arificially large test statistic. anova(femod) #MSE is 0.0004274 #sample variance of group 4 is 0.00169 #Use traditional Dunnett's test on transformed data for comparisons #attempt log transformation fedata$logY <-log(fedata$Y) felogmod <- lm(logY~depth, data=fedata) bptest(felogmod) #still violates #LeveneTest(logY~depth, data=fedata) plot(felogmod$fit, rstandard(felogmod)) shapiro.test(rstandard(felogmod)) #still for normality #square root transformation? fedata$srY <- sqrt(fedata$Y) fesrmod <- lm(srY~depth, data=fedata) bptest(fesrmod) #still violates, worse plot(fesrmod$fit, rstandard(fesrmod)) boxcox(femod) #lambda=-0.2 fedata$bcY <- with(fedata, (Y^(-0.2) - 1)/-0.2) febcmod <- lm(bcY~depth, data=fedata) #gives same F-statistic as lm(Y^(-0.2) ~ depth, data=fedata), bptest(febcmod) #still violates plot(febcmod$fit, rstandard(febcmod)) ##mg/L is a proportion, try arcsin fedata$asY <- asin(sqrt(fedata$Y)) feasmod <-lm(asY~depth, data=fedata) bptest(feasmod) #still close to violating plot(felogmod$fit, rstandard(felogmod), main="Log Transform.", xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Standardized Residuals") plot(febcmod$fit, rstandard(febcmod), main="Box-Cox Transform.", xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Standardized Residuals") plot(feasmod$fit, rstandard(feasmod), main="Arcsin(Sq. Root) Transform.", xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Standardized Residuals") #P-values of BP test are similar for log and box-cox, plots look a little better ##log transform may be considered simpler, so try that anova(felogmod) DunnettTest(logY~depth, data=fedata) #still identifies 40 feet and above DunnettTest(bcY~depth, data=fedata) #still identifies 40 feet and above shapiro.test(rstandard(febcmod)) # normality still ok #W = 0.95535, p-value = 0.4556
Iron content of water at various water depths.
This data frame contains the following columns:
depth of the water
Iron content of water
paper: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1351176
This dataset potato is from an experiment on how plants adapt to cold climates. The investigators decided to study this problem after observing that plants that have been conditioned to cold previously appear to suffer less damage from the cold. Two species of potato were studied (species 1 and 2). Each plant was exposed to one of two acclimatization regimes (1= plant was kept in cold room; 0= plant was kept at room temperature) for several days. Later, plants were subjected to one of two cold temperatures (-4 degrees C is coded as 1; -8 degrees C is coded as 2). Two responses were measured: damage score for photosynthesis (photo), and damage score for ion leakage (leak).
This data frame contains the following columns:
Two species of potato were studied (species 1 and 2)
Each plant was exposed to one of two acclimatization regimes (1= plant was kept in cold room; 0= plant was kept at room temperature) for several days.
plants were subjected to one of two cold temperatures (-4 degrees C is coded as 1; -8 degrees C is coded as 2)
damage score for photosynthesis
damage score for ion leakage
Use ion leakage to be the response variable. Some of the 80 plants originally assigned to the treatment combinations were lost during the experiment. Analyze the data from the plants that made it through, and assess the effects of the three experimental factors species, regime, and temperature on the response leakage.
Alver and Zhang (2022), Parametric Bootstrap Procedures for Three-Factor ANOVA and Multiple Comparison Procedures with Unequal Group Variances
Alver and Zhang (2022), Multiple Comparisons of Treatment vs Control Under Unequal Variances Using Parametric Bootstrap
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution and find a p-value for the test
Q.ABmc(L=5000, ns, means, s2, alpha=0.05, a, b, c)
Q.ABmc(L=5000, ns, means, s2, alpha=0.05, a, b, c)
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
ns |
sample size for each group |
means |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
alpha |
significant level |
a |
Number of levels for factor A |
b |
Number of levels for factor B |
c |
Number of levels for factor C |
Q.crit: The (1- alpha) percentile of the simulated distribution.
res.df: A dataframe containing the differences between each pair of factor levels, standard errors, confidence interval for the differences, test statistic for each pair, p-value, and indicator of whether the difference was statistically significant for each pair.
ybarij: estimated group mean for level i, j
var.YAB: estimated variance for each group mean
Q.test: largest test statistic from all pairs
#'# We need elapsed time less than 5 seconds to publish # the package with this example. Hence, there are # before #a couple of PB algrithms. Remove # before you run the code. #Note that when running the example, the user should get similar p-values to the ones commented # in the example, but they will not be identical. attach(potato) regime<-factor(regime) variety<-factor(variety) temp<-factor(temp) #there are two levels for each factor, so a=b=c=2 library(Rmisc) summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp")) #need to extract group sizes (ns), group var's (s2), means (ybars) for function pot.ns <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp"))$N pot.means <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp"))$leak pot.s2 <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp"))$sd^2 #alg.ABC(ns=pot.ns, ybars=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #0.1626, pvalue, so we do not reject, so we should drop the three way term. #alg.BC(ns=pot.ns, ybars=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #0.202, not significant, so the regime:temp interaction is not significant #to check the other two-way interactions we need to reorder the data so that #the 'BC' term is either regime:variety or temp:variety pot.ns.TRV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("temp","regime","variety"))$N pot.means.TRV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("temp","regime","variety"))$leak pot.s2.TRV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("temp", "regime", "variety"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=pot.ns.TRV, ybars=pot.means.TRV,s2=pot.s2.TRV, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0, reject H_0. the regime:variety interaction is significant pot.ns.RTV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("regime", "temp","variety"))$N pot.means.RTV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("regime","temp","variety"))$leak pot.s2.RTV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("regime", "temp", "variety"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=pot.ns.RTV, ybars=pot.means.RTV,s2=pot.s2.RTV, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.0.3652, do not reject, the temp:variety interaction is not significant ##next we can see if we are able to drop the main effect 'temp', ##not involved with the regime:variety int. ##temp is factor 'A' in the TRV model above. ##algorithm 4 tests factor C when only AB interaction is present. ## so we need the order that makes 'temp' factor C #the way we originally ordered it, to test the ABC interaction #alg.C.AB(ns=pot.ns, ybars=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p-value is 0.002, so we cannot drop the temp term. the final model is #y = variety + regime + temp + variety:regime Q.ABmc(ns=pot.ns, means=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) # 95% #2.832115 #$res.df # groups differences std.errs ci.lo ci.hi test.stat p sig # 1 1 - 1 2 -1.803638 1.821063 -6.961098 3.353822 0.9904314 0.7676 - # 1 1 - 2 1 -22.501936 2.895282 -30.701708 -14.302164 7.7719316 0.0000 * # 1 1 - 2 2 -1.248118 1.615681 -5.823913 3.327677 0.7725027 0.8696 - # 1 2 - 2 1 -20.698298 2.781589 -28.576079 -12.820517 7.4411765 0.0000 * # 1 2 - 2 2 0.555520 1.401787 -3.414501 4.525541 0.3962943 0.9766 - # 2 1 - 2 2 21.253818 2.651678 13.743962 28.763674 8.0152341 0.0000 * #$ybarij # [,1] [,2] #[1,] 4.91472 6.718358 #[2,] 27.41666 6.162838 #$var.YAB # [,1] [,2] #[1,] 1.980845 1.3354254 #[2,] 6.401815 0.6295805 #$Q.test #[1] 8.015234
#'# We need elapsed time less than 5 seconds to publish # the package with this example. Hence, there are # before #a couple of PB algrithms. Remove # before you run the code. #Note that when running the example, the user should get similar p-values to the ones commented # in the example, but they will not be identical. attach(potato) regime<-factor(regime) variety<-factor(variety) temp<-factor(temp) #there are two levels for each factor, so a=b=c=2 library(Rmisc) summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp")) #need to extract group sizes (ns), group var's (s2), means (ybars) for function pot.ns <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp"))$N pot.means <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp"))$leak pot.s2 <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("variety","regime","temp"))$sd^2 #alg.ABC(ns=pot.ns, ybars=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #0.1626, pvalue, so we do not reject, so we should drop the three way term. #alg.BC(ns=pot.ns, ybars=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #0.202, not significant, so the regime:temp interaction is not significant #to check the other two-way interactions we need to reorder the data so that #the 'BC' term is either regime:variety or temp:variety pot.ns.TRV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("temp","regime","variety"))$N pot.means.TRV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("temp","regime","variety"))$leak pot.s2.TRV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("temp", "regime", "variety"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=pot.ns.TRV, ybars=pot.means.TRV,s2=pot.s2.TRV, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0, reject H_0. the regime:variety interaction is significant pot.ns.RTV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("regime", "temp","variety"))$N pot.means.RTV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("regime","temp","variety"))$leak pot.s2.RTV <- summarySE(potato, measurevar="leak", groupvars=c("regime", "temp", "variety"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=pot.ns.RTV, ybars=pot.means.RTV,s2=pot.s2.RTV, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.0.3652, do not reject, the temp:variety interaction is not significant ##next we can see if we are able to drop the main effect 'temp', ##not involved with the regime:variety int. ##temp is factor 'A' in the TRV model above. ##algorithm 4 tests factor C when only AB interaction is present. ## so we need the order that makes 'temp' factor C #the way we originally ordered it, to test the ABC interaction #alg.C.AB(ns=pot.ns, ybars=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p-value is 0.002, so we cannot drop the temp term. the final model is #y = variety + regime + temp + variety:regime Q.ABmc(ns=pot.ns, means=pot.means,s2=pot.s2, a=2, b=2, c=2, L=5000) # 95% #2.832115 #$res.df # groups differences std.errs ci.lo ci.hi test.stat p sig # 1 1 - 1 2 -1.803638 1.821063 -6.961098 3.353822 0.9904314 0.7676 - # 1 1 - 2 1 -22.501936 2.895282 -30.701708 -14.302164 7.7719316 0.0000 * # 1 1 - 2 2 -1.248118 1.615681 -5.823913 3.327677 0.7725027 0.8696 - # 1 2 - 2 1 -20.698298 2.781589 -28.576079 -12.820517 7.4411765 0.0000 * # 1 2 - 2 2 0.555520 1.401787 -3.414501 4.525541 0.3962943 0.9766 - # 2 1 - 2 2 21.253818 2.651678 13.743962 28.763674 8.0152341 0.0000 * #$ybarij # [,1] [,2] #[1,] 4.91472 6.718358 #[2,] 27.41666 6.162838 #$var.YAB # [,1] [,2] #[1,] 1.980845 1.3354254 #[2,] 6.401815 0.6295805 #$Q.test #[1] 8.015234
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution for the multiple comparisons and calculate a test stat
Q.Amc(L=5000, ns, means, s2, alpha=0.05, a, b, c)
Q.Amc(L=5000, ns, means, s2, alpha=0.05, a, b, c)
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
ns |
sample size for each group |
means |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
alpha |
significant level |
a |
Number of levels for factor A |
b |
Number of levels for factor B |
c |
Number of levels for factor C |
Q.crit: The (1-alpha) percentile of the simulated distribution.
Q.test: largest test statistic from all pairs
res.df: A dataframe containing the differences between each pair of factor levels, standard errors, confidence interval for the differences, test statistic for each pair, p-value, and indicator of whether the difference was statistically significant for each pair.
# We need elapsed time less than 5 seconds to publish # the package with this example. Hence, there are # before #a couple of PB algrithms. Remove # before you run the code. #function to make everything but the response a factor make.factor <- function(dataset, fact.cols){ for( i in fact.cols){ dataset[,i] <- factor(dataset[,i]) } return(dataset) } barley_ex <- make.factor(barleyh20, 1:5) ##this dataset has 4 factors, ignore year library(Rmisc) library(MASS) #library(lmtest) summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time")) #ignore year, note that the data are balanced summary(barley_ex$wt) mod1 <- lm(wt~genotype*site*time, data=barley_ex) anova(mod1) plot(mod1$fit, mod1$resid) qqnorm(mod1$resid) shapiro.test(mod1$resid) boxcox(mod1, lambda=seq(-4, -2, by=0.1)) #lambda approx -3.5 mod2 <- lm(wt^(-3.5)~genotype*site*time, data=barley_ex) plot(mod2$fit, mod2$resid) #worse? #go with untransformed data? drop 3way term mod3 <- lm(wt~genotype + site + time + genotype:site + genotype:time + site:time, data=barley_ex) anova(mod3) #site:time ns anova(lm(wt~genotype + site + time + genotype:site + genotype:time, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~genotype + site + time + genotype:site, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~genotype + site + time, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~site + time, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~time, data=barley_ex)) TukeyHSD(aov(wt ~ time, data=barley_ex)) #all sig except 35-30 and 20-15 (0.0569) ###use PB methods summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time")) #note that the data are balanced #need to extract group sizes (ns), group var's (s2), means (ybars) for function barley.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time"))$N barley.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time"))$wt barley.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time"))$sd^2 #alg.ABC(ns=barley.ns, ybars=barley.means,s2=barley.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #p=0.9996, can drop 3way term #can we drop the site:time int term? #alg.BC(ns=barley.ns, ybars=barley.means,s2=barley.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #p=0.9998, drop #reorder data to make the different two-way terms barleyTSG.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time", "site", "genotype"))$N barleyTSG.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time", "site", "genotype"))$wt barleyTSG.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time", "site", "genotype"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleyTSG.ns, ybars=barleyTSG.means, s2=barleyTSG.s2, a=7, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9988, drop site:genotype #reorder to SGT, can we drop genotype:time? barleySGT.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time"))$N barleySGT.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time"))$wt barleySGT.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleySGT.ns, ybars=barleySGT.means,s2=barleySGT.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #p=0.9976, drop #alg.C(ns=barley.ns, ybars=barley.means,s2=barley.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #GST #p=0, time has signif efffect, same conclusion as F-test #alg.C(ns=barleyTSG.ns, ybars=barleyTSG.means, s2=barleyTSG.s2, a=7, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9996 no signif effect of genotype ##site? barleyGTS.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time", "site"))$N barleyGTS.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time", "site"))$wt barleyGTS.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time", "site"))$sd^2 #alg.C(ns=barleyGTS.ns, ybars=barleyGTS.means, s2=barleyGTS.s2, a=2, b=7, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9998, site is NS #multiple comparisons #this function tests all pairwise comparisons of the levels of factor A, # so we use the TSG order Q.Amc(L=5000, ns=barleyTSG.ns, means=barleyTSG.means, s2=barleyTSG.s2, alpha=0.05, a=7, b=2, c=2) #Demonstrate the method on unbalanced data by collapsing time into L, M, H #barley_ex$time2 <- "M" #barley_ex$time2 <- ifelse(as.numeric(barley_ex$time) <=2, "L", barley_ex$time2) #barley_ex$time2 <- ifelse(as.numeric(barley_ex$time) >=6, "H", barley_ex$time2) #barley_ex$time2 <- as.factor(barley_ex$time2) #still pretty balanced, separate the lowest level #barley_ex$time2 <- ifelse(as.numeric(barley_ex$time) <2, "LL", barley_ex$time2) #barley_ex$time2 <- as.factor(barley_ex$time2) #summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time2", "site")) #two of the bigger groups N=12 have larger var #anova(lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex)) #still looks like time2 the only sig factor #library(lmtest) #bptest(lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex)) #violates #mod.un <- lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex) #plot(mod.un$fit, mod.un$resid) #qqnorm(mod.un$resid) #boxcox(lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex), lambda=seq(-6, -4, by=0.1)) #lambda = -4.5 #the above transformations didn't work so just try the untransformed data #the three way interaction term was not significant #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site + genotype:time2 + genotype:site + time2:site, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site + genotype:time2 + genotype:site, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site + genotype:time2, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~time2, data=barley_ex)) #TukeyHSD(aov(wt ~time2, data=barley_ex)) #all pairs significantly different #PB methods #barleyGST2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time2"))$N #barleyGST2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time2"))$wt #barleyGST2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time2"))$sd^2 #alg.ABC(ns=barleyGST2.ns, ybars=barleyGST2.means,s2=barleyGST2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0.9734, can drop 3way term #alg.BC(ns=barleyGST2.ns, ybars=barleyGST2.means,s2=barleyGST2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0.94, can drop site:time2 #barleySGT2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site","genotype", "time2"))$N #barleySGT2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time2"))$wt #barleySGT2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site","genotype", "time2"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleySGT2.ns, ybars=barleySGT2.means,s2=barleySGT2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0.9952, can drop genotype:time2 #barleyTSG2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2", "site","genotype"))$N #barleyTSG2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","site", "genotype"))$wt #barleyTSG2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","site","genotype"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleyTSG2.ns, ybars=barleyTSG2.means,s2=barleyTSG2.s2, a=4, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9556, can drop site:genotype #alg.C(ns=barleyGST2.ns, ybars=barleyGST2.means,s2=barleyGST2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0, time still has significant effect #alg.C(ns=barleyTSG2.ns, ybars=barleyTSG2.means,s2=barleyTSG2.s2, a=4, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9716, genotype is not significant #barleyTGS2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","genotype", "site"))$N #barleyTGS2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","genotype", "site"))$wt #barleyTGS2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","genotype", "site"))$sd^2 #alg.C(ns=barleyTGS2.ns, ybars=barleyTGS2.means,s2=barleyTGS2.s2, a=4, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9904, site is not significant ##mult comparisons of factor A so we put time first #Q.Amc(L=5000, ns=barleyTSG2.ns, means=barleyTSG2.means, s2=barleyTSG2.s2, # alpha=0.05, a=4, b=2, c=2) #all sig, agrees with Tukey's test #TukeyHSD(aov(wt ~time2, data=barley_ex))
# We need elapsed time less than 5 seconds to publish # the package with this example. Hence, there are # before #a couple of PB algrithms. Remove # before you run the code. #function to make everything but the response a factor make.factor <- function(dataset, fact.cols){ for( i in fact.cols){ dataset[,i] <- factor(dataset[,i]) } return(dataset) } barley_ex <- make.factor(barleyh20, 1:5) ##this dataset has 4 factors, ignore year library(Rmisc) library(MASS) #library(lmtest) summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time")) #ignore year, note that the data are balanced summary(barley_ex$wt) mod1 <- lm(wt~genotype*site*time, data=barley_ex) anova(mod1) plot(mod1$fit, mod1$resid) qqnorm(mod1$resid) shapiro.test(mod1$resid) boxcox(mod1, lambda=seq(-4, -2, by=0.1)) #lambda approx -3.5 mod2 <- lm(wt^(-3.5)~genotype*site*time, data=barley_ex) plot(mod2$fit, mod2$resid) #worse? #go with untransformed data? drop 3way term mod3 <- lm(wt~genotype + site + time + genotype:site + genotype:time + site:time, data=barley_ex) anova(mod3) #site:time ns anova(lm(wt~genotype + site + time + genotype:site + genotype:time, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~genotype + site + time + genotype:site, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~genotype + site + time, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~site + time, data=barley_ex)) anova(lm(wt~time, data=barley_ex)) TukeyHSD(aov(wt ~ time, data=barley_ex)) #all sig except 35-30 and 20-15 (0.0569) ###use PB methods summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time")) #note that the data are balanced #need to extract group sizes (ns), group var's (s2), means (ybars) for function barley.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time"))$N barley.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time"))$wt barley.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time"))$sd^2 #alg.ABC(ns=barley.ns, ybars=barley.means,s2=barley.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #p=0.9996, can drop 3way term #can we drop the site:time int term? #alg.BC(ns=barley.ns, ybars=barley.means,s2=barley.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #p=0.9998, drop #reorder data to make the different two-way terms barleyTSG.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time", "site", "genotype"))$N barleyTSG.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time", "site", "genotype"))$wt barleyTSG.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time", "site", "genotype"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleyTSG.ns, ybars=barleyTSG.means, s2=barleyTSG.s2, a=7, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9988, drop site:genotype #reorder to SGT, can we drop genotype:time? barleySGT.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time"))$N barleySGT.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time"))$wt barleySGT.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleySGT.ns, ybars=barleySGT.means,s2=barleySGT.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #p=0.9976, drop #alg.C(ns=barley.ns, ybars=barley.means,s2=barley.s2, a=2, b=2, c=7, L=5000) #GST #p=0, time has signif efffect, same conclusion as F-test #alg.C(ns=barleyTSG.ns, ybars=barleyTSG.means, s2=barleyTSG.s2, a=7, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9996 no signif effect of genotype ##site? barleyGTS.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time", "site"))$N barleyGTS.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time", "site"))$wt barleyGTS.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time", "site"))$sd^2 #alg.C(ns=barleyGTS.ns, ybars=barleyGTS.means, s2=barleyGTS.s2, a=2, b=7, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9998, site is NS #multiple comparisons #this function tests all pairwise comparisons of the levels of factor A, # so we use the TSG order Q.Amc(L=5000, ns=barleyTSG.ns, means=barleyTSG.means, s2=barleyTSG.s2, alpha=0.05, a=7, b=2, c=2) #Demonstrate the method on unbalanced data by collapsing time into L, M, H #barley_ex$time2 <- "M" #barley_ex$time2 <- ifelse(as.numeric(barley_ex$time) <=2, "L", barley_ex$time2) #barley_ex$time2 <- ifelse(as.numeric(barley_ex$time) >=6, "H", barley_ex$time2) #barley_ex$time2 <- as.factor(barley_ex$time2) #still pretty balanced, separate the lowest level #barley_ex$time2 <- ifelse(as.numeric(barley_ex$time) <2, "LL", barley_ex$time2) #barley_ex$time2 <- as.factor(barley_ex$time2) #summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "time2", "site")) #two of the bigger groups N=12 have larger var #anova(lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex)) #still looks like time2 the only sig factor #library(lmtest) #bptest(lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex)) #violates #mod.un <- lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex) #plot(mod.un$fit, mod.un$resid) #qqnorm(mod.un$resid) #boxcox(lm(wt ~genotype*time2*site, data=barley_ex), lambda=seq(-6, -4, by=0.1)) #lambda = -4.5 #the above transformations didn't work so just try the untransformed data #the three way interaction term was not significant #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site + genotype:time2 + genotype:site + time2:site, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site + genotype:time2 + genotype:site, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site + genotype:time2, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2 + site, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~genotype+ time2, data=barley_ex)) #anova(lm(wt ~time2, data=barley_ex)) #TukeyHSD(aov(wt ~time2, data=barley_ex)) #all pairs significantly different #PB methods #barleyGST2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time2"))$N #barleyGST2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time2"))$wt #barleyGST2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("genotype", "site", "time2"))$sd^2 #alg.ABC(ns=barleyGST2.ns, ybars=barleyGST2.means,s2=barleyGST2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0.9734, can drop 3way term #alg.BC(ns=barleyGST2.ns, ybars=barleyGST2.means,s2=barleyGST2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0.94, can drop site:time2 #barleySGT2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site","genotype", "time2"))$N #barleySGT2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site", "genotype", "time2"))$wt #barleySGT2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("site","genotype", "time2"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleySGT2.ns, ybars=barleySGT2.means,s2=barleySGT2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0.9952, can drop genotype:time2 #barleyTSG2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2", "site","genotype"))$N #barleyTSG2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","site", "genotype"))$wt #barleyTSG2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","site","genotype"))$sd^2 #alg.BC(ns=barleyTSG2.ns, ybars=barleyTSG2.means,s2=barleyTSG2.s2, a=4, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9556, can drop site:genotype #alg.C(ns=barleyGST2.ns, ybars=barleyGST2.means,s2=barleyGST2.s2, a=2, b=2, c=4, L=5000) #p=0, time still has significant effect #alg.C(ns=barleyTSG2.ns, ybars=barleyTSG2.means,s2=barleyTSG2.s2, a=4, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9716, genotype is not significant #barleyTGS2.ns <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","genotype", "site"))$N #barleyTGS2.means <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","genotype", "site"))$wt #barleyTGS2.s2 <- summarySE(barley_ex, "wt", c("time2","genotype", "site"))$sd^2 #alg.C(ns=barleyTGS2.ns, ybars=barleyTGS2.means,s2=barleyTGS2.s2, a=4, b=2, c=2, L=5000) #p=0.9904, site is not significant ##mult comparisons of factor A so we put time first #Q.Amc(L=5000, ns=barleyTSG2.ns, means=barleyTSG2.means, s2=barleyTSG2.s2, # alpha=0.05, a=4, b=2, c=2) #all sig, agrees with Tukey's test #TukeyHSD(aov(wt ~time2, data=barley_ex))
Using Parametric Bootstrap to simulate a distribution for multiple comparison in one-way ANOVA
Q.Amc_oneway(L,ns, means, s2, alpha)
Q.Amc_oneway(L,ns, means, s2, alpha)
L |
Number of simulated values for the distribution |
ns |
sample size for each group |
means |
sample mean for each group |
s2 |
sample variance for each group |
alpha |
significant level |
the simulated p-value
D.crit: The (1 - alpha) percentile of the simulated distribution
res.df: The differences, confidence intervals for the difference, and p-values for comparisons of each two factor levels.
library(pbANOVA) data(fedata) fedata$depth <- factor(fedata$depth) library(Rmisc) summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth") feNs <- summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth")$N feYs <- summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth")$Y fes2 <- (summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth")$sd)^2 anova(lm(Y~depth, data=fedata)) #F-test significant #we saw in the dunnett's example that the equal variance assumption is violated library(MASS) #need MASS for ginv function for all the interaction and main effects algorithms alg.A1(ns=feNs, ybars=feYs, s2=fes2, a=6, L=5000) #p=0.0038 #multiple comparisons Q.Amc_oneway(L = 5000, ns=feNs, means=feYs, s2=fes2, alpha = 0.05) #compare to Tukey's test TukeyHSD(aov(Y~depth, data=fedata)) #results agree only for some levels.
library(pbANOVA) data(fedata) fedata$depth <- factor(fedata$depth) library(Rmisc) summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth") feNs <- summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth")$N feYs <- summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth")$Y fes2 <- (summarySE(fedata, "Y", "depth")$sd)^2 anova(lm(Y~depth, data=fedata)) #F-test significant #we saw in the dunnett's example that the equal variance assumption is violated library(MASS) #need MASS for ginv function for all the interaction and main effects algorithms alg.A1(ns=feNs, ybars=feYs, s2=fes2, a=6, L=5000) #p=0.0038 #multiple comparisons Q.Amc_oneway(L = 5000, ns=feNs, means=feYs, s2=fes2, alpha = 0.05) #compare to Tukey's test TukeyHSD(aov(Y~depth, data=fedata)) #results agree only for some levels.